Monday, December 2, 2013


Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month

6:30 PM – 8:00PM 


Montgomery County Stroke Survivor and Caregiver Support Group

Located in the Maxon Parlor in Weber Continuing Education Building

Ground Floor           Miami Valley Hospital

Call for directions or questions      937-208-4194  (Barb Etter)



Thursday, December 12th  6pm – 8pm


January 16, February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 19,

 July 17, August 21, September 18, October 30 (last Thursday of month), November and December to be scheduled



Words of Wisdom
Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.
So much has been given to me, I have not time to ponder over that which
has been denied.
Helen Keller


“There is hope.”

 These are the key words I remember when we started our meeting and welcomed the new comers as we told our stories.

“It gets better.”

These are the words of encouragement I heard as we talked about the difficult times and a few tears were shed.

“It takes time.”

That 4-letter word…TIME. We all want to be better—yesterday! This is where patience with ourselves and the support of our caregivers helps time go by.

“Have a life after the stroke.”

These are words we all should hear, not just the survivors, but everyone. Actually, we all need to have a life – we should never let our disability define us.


To quote John G.:



December 12, 2013

Our Holiday Social from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Please join us this evening to share in food, fun and friendship as we end another year. We will begin our evening a bit earlier since we will be sharing our meal together. We plan to eat around 6:15pm -- then around 7pm we will have a guitarist that will lead us in song. During the evening we will draw for door prizes, but best of all we will have time to talk and laugh. We are “good medicine” for each other!

This year we are doing a carry in. If you are able to bring an appetizer, salad or vegetable to share – that is great. If you are not able to bring something then please come anyway; we always have plenty of food.  There will not be a main entrĂ©e, but a few of us are bringing appetizers that are proteins.       Drinks and dessert will be provided. We will also have plates and plastic-ware for everyone.

This is always a good time; can’t wait to see you there!


September Meeting Highlights:

The Caregiver Support Group has grown over the last few months. There were several newbies at our last meeting and they were given much needed encouragement by the veteran caregivers. There were several specific strategies that are worth mentioning.  I will try to bring handouts to the next meeting with more information.

Have trouble finding things like car keys, wallets, cell phone, or purse. Robin found a product that has made her life much easier. FOFA ( is a device that you can attach to often misplaced items. If you have one remote it can locate the others.

Another caregiver has someone coming over to play cards with her husband. It helps with his aphasia and gives her a much needed break. They play the card game “trash” which is easy to learn.

Ginger shared that Project Mobility was very helpful when she had to go back to work after her husband’s stroke.

The Survivor Group is doing well; we have not only grown in numbers but also in enthusiasm and support.  Some of the words of wisdom that I wrote down: Don’t give up; Do whatever it takes; Do not set a time limit on your progress; This has brought us closer (survivors and caregivers); I exercise regularly; I have a new job now; I went back to church; I tell others about stroke symptoms, I formed a support group at my school; I am learning to accept myself.

The Aphasia Group: we talked about conversation strategies. Our group will continue with more conversation strategies after the New Year.



                Please keep an eye to the sky when deciding if the roads are safe to travel to our monthly meetings. Never head out if you think conditions are not safe. Also check the local TV channels for cancellation notices.


Your support group team:

Barb 208-4194   Ramona  208-2746        Michelle 208-6277            Sue                Susan       Erin

Sunday, October 27, 2013

We will update!

Hello! We now have access to our site and we will be updating! We apologize for taking so long! Please take a look at our facebook page: